[17 марта] Yoga Mondays[March 17] Yoga Mondays[17 martie] Yoga Mondays

1904083_10201786683245426_1356264724_nDate — every Monday | Time — 17:30 | Fee — 30 lei

Come to Art Labyrinth for an asana yoga class every Monday evening from 5:30 to 7:00 in the events room.
It’s an hour and a half long Hatha yoga class focusing on physical and mental strength building exercises and postures.
The cost is 30 lei with proceeds going 1. room rental and heating and 2. to Anti-Trafficking efforts in Moldova.
Instructor —
Larissa Marie Glover

Как нас найти?
Мы находимся в здании быв. Музея Земства, расположенного по адресу: Sfatul Tarii 8. Вход с улицы Щусева напротив магазина «Пятёроча», большая дверь с надписью «Muzeul Zemstvei»

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